CITI and GBF holds Summer Entrepreneurship Program for Youths and Teenagers.

Growing Businesses Foundation (GBF) in the month of September, 2017 convened a Business development Incubation Program in the city of Abuja, FCT – Nigeria funded by Citi as part of the Citi’s focus on Investments in Direct Service in “Accelerating Pathways” global initiative in NIgeria. The series of programs are focused and goal oriented to inspire the Teens and Youth to become TEENPRENEURS cum entrepreneurs, and also aimed at concretely guiding the participating teenagers through the business incubation process, and equipping participants to build viable business ideas/models that are bankable.

Other complementing components of this entrepreneurship incubation program included group and individual role plays, video shows showcasing successful Nigerian entrepreneurs, market place scenario simulations, group competitions and a special feature of a successful TGBC entrepreneur and several mentorship sessions. The BDIP held on the 5th – 8th of September, 2017 and a total of 35 participants were trained in the Denk Spaces’ – GBF Partner location in the FCT – Abuja.

The very engaging engaging Business Development Incubation Program (BDIP) is hands-on, interactive and engaging platform via the GBF Teenagers Growing Businesses Club (TGBC) building employability and entrepreneurship skills of young people via a program that provides training to build business acumen and leadership skills, and helps youth to start their own enterprises, and/or improve their existing businesses/enterprise.

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